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District Wide Broadcast Message

Ontario School District

School Board

November: Student of the Month

October: Student of the Month

May: Teacher of the Year

April: OSD Volunteer of the Year

March: Classified Staff of the Year

February: Student of the Month Recognition

January: School Board Appreciation Month

November: Student Recognition

October: Safety students of the Month

August: Board Secretary swears in the new School Board Members: Mr. Blackaby, Mr. Sunseri, and Mr. Uptmor.

May: Teacher of the Year

April: 2022-2023 Volunteer of the Year

March: Classified Staff Recognition

February: Student Recognition

November: Student Recognition

The next School Board Meeting is on:

March 31, 2025

Ontario School Board meetings are available via Zoom, as well as in-person in the School District Boardroom. 

Setting Policy and Priorities, the OSD Board of Directors

The Ontario School District's Board of Directors meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 5 p.m. in the District Administration Building, 195 S.W. 3rd Avenue unless otherwise specified. 
Ontario patrons, parents, staff, and students are encouraged to attend these meetings. Interested patrons wanting to make public comments may do so during the "Public Comments" section of the meeting. Public comment will be open for thirty minutes and comments must be kept to three minutes in length.
Ontario School District 8C Board of Directors:
Board Chair Bret Uptmor, Vice Board Chair Mike Blackaby, Director Matt Stringer, and Director Blanca Rodriguez
How do I submit my comment or questions? 

How do I submit my comment or questions? 

Ontario School District Board of Education values public input. Please send written public comments or testimony to the Board Secretary, Andrea Salazar, at Testimony should be emailed to the Board Secretary, or submitted through our website, on or before the Thursday before the scheduled meeting.
Submit Public Comment, Here:

Submit Public Comment, Here:

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Thank you for your submission.

Important Policies

The Ontario School District encourages participation at our monthly Board Meetings! 
We want to make sure that everyone is heard and that everyone who wishes has their own time to speak. In order for the meeting to run in a timely manner certain policies have been enacted to regulate public participation. 
If you wish to speak at a meeting, please take a look over our Public Participation board policies. 

Ontario School District Board Responsibilities:

As per, Board Policy BA; The Board is responsible to the people for whose benefit the district has been established. Further, the Board’s current decisions will influence the future course of education in the Ontario schools. By virtue of this responsibility, the Board and each of its members must look to the future and to the needs of all district citizens.
This requires a comprehensive perspective and long-range plan in addition to addressing immediate problems.
The Board’s primary responsibility is to establish policies, purposes and programs and procedures which will best produce educational achievement.
The Board is charged with accomplishing this while also being responsible for wise management of available resources. The Board must fulfill these responsibilities by functioning primarily as a legislative body which formulates and adopts policy, by selecting an executive officer to implement policy and by evaluating the results.
Further, it must carry out its functions openly and seek the involvement of students, staff, and the public during its decision-making processes. In accordance with these principles, the Board, through its operations, will use the following guidelines to:
1. Concentrate the Board’s collective effort on policy-making and planning responsibilities;2. Formulate Board policies that best serve each student’s educational interests;3. Provide the superintendent with sufficient and adequate guidelines for implementing Board policies;4. Maintain effective communication with the students, staff, and the public to maintain awareness of attitudes, opinions, desires, and ideas;5. Conduct Board business openly, soliciting and encouraging broad-based involvement of the students, staff, and the public in the Board’s decision-making processes.
We appreciate the time and effort our Board put forward into serving our students and staff.