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District Wide Broadcast Message

Ontario School District

COVID-19 Resources & School Safety Information

OHA Weekly County Metrics

School Health and Safety Metrics

Governor Brown and leaders from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) announced new guidance about schools and how they might operate this fall. There is no simple, statewide answer for every school in Oregon. It is important to get students back to class, but how we do that depends on a number of important factors. Oregon public health officials have developed evidence-based metrics to help school boards and school districts make decisions about how they can safely reopen schools. Visit ODE's Ready Schools, Safe Learners web page for more information. 

ODE Ready Schools Safe Learners Guidance

Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL)

Click HERE  for the Oregon Department of Educations CDL Guidance


Frequently Asked Questions

When will school start?
The first day of school for students will be Monday, August 31st.
What is the first week of school for?
The first week of the 2020-2021 school year, August 31-September 4th will be used as a student and family orientation period. During this time, students will begin to engage with their teachers, learn online expectations, and get a feel for their CDL routine.
Why was the school year delayed?
The start of the 2020-2021 school year (originally set to begin August 21st) was delayed a week to allow teachers and staff time to plan and prepare for the change in instruction mode. During the July School Board meeting, the Board, at the recommendation of district administrators, voted to move the 2020-2021 school year start date back one week.
Do we need to enroll in Comprehensive Distance Learning?
You do not need to enroll in CDL specifically. Your regular Online Registration is all you will need to compete. If you have not completed Online Registration yet, please do so by clicking HERE and following the instructions. 
How will Comprehensive Distance Learning be more robust than remote learning in the spring?
Thanks to surveys filled out by staff, parents, and students about remote learning in the spring, we’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. As we put together the plan for Comprehensive Distance Learning, we’re incorporating that learning. In addition, participation will be mandatory in the fall; student attendance will be taken. Per guidance from the Oregon Department of Education, we also expect to be giving grades to students.
How will attendance be counted?
Per guidance from the Oregon Department of Education, attendance includes both participation in class activities and interaction with a teacher or staff member.
Describe what an average day of Comprehensive Distance Learning will look like?
Each day will include learning that is facilitated by a teacher and opportunities for students to apply their learning, as well as nutrition and wellness support.
The goal of teacher-facilitated learning is to develop and assess new knowledge and understanding. Teacher-facilitated learning likely will be used to introduce new concepts or learning targets to students. It may include GoogleHangouts classes of full groups, as well as small breakout groups of students. It also may include lessons delivered through learning management systems (Seesaw for elementary and GoogleClassroom for secondary) and teacher-produced videos. Teacher-facilitated learning must take up at least 50% of a student's day.
Applied learning experiences are intentionally designed by the teacher to allow students to apply the knowledge and skills that they have gained from teacher-facilitated learning to deepen their learning and understanding. Basically, students are taking the concepts from the teacher-facilitated learning and putting them into practice. Applied learning experiences may include peer interactions, independent learning and independent practice.
Nutrition Services will provide grab-and-go meals during Comprehensive Distance Learning. Stay tuned for more information on pick-up sites and schedules. Counselors will provide lessons related to social-emotional learning. Physical education and health teachers also will provide lessons. For elementary school students, these lessons will likely be rotated and may not be offered every day.
Will teachers have office hours for students learning from home?
Teachers will most likely have set office hours. Your student’s teacher(s) should make it clear to you and/or your students their office hours, methods of contact, and ways to seek help.
Will students be provided Chromebooks?
Students enrolled in OSD will all be given a Chromebook to use during CDL. For those students who are new to the District or do not have a device, devices will be issued at the beginning of the school year. Our priority is to make sure that all students needing a device will have one by the beginning of full CDL implementation. Stay tuned for more information and reach out to your child’s school if you need assistance.
Will Comprehensive Distance Learning be offered for the entire year?
Yes. There will be more information to come.  
Will parents be allowed to volunteer online in virtual classrooms?
The District is currently considering this question, and it may be a possibility.

Key Practices for Reducing the Spread in Schools

OSAA Updates & Guidance

Statewide Reopening Guidance – K-12 School Sports, Limited Return to Play

*County Phases will determine how OSD/OHS operates their Athletics and Activities

OSAA Frequently Asked Questions

Season 1: August 31-December 27

The majority of information in this document comes directly from the Governor’s “Statewide Reopening Guidance – K-12 School Sports, Limited Return to Play“ released on August 11.

The Governor’s guidance is effective on your school’s ODE-approved reopening date for the 2020-21 school year. Until that point, sports and activities must adhere to county phase requirements and OSAA policies once the Association Year begins (August 31).

NOTE: This information is subject to change as additional guidance is released from the Governor’s Office, Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Department of Education (ODE).


  • For this K-12 School Sports Guidance, county phases are no longer applicable (provided your county is not in the baseline phase).
  • Recreational sports are separate from the K-12 School Sports Guidance and are still tied to county phases per the OHA’s Phase 2 Recreational Sports Guidance and FAQs.
  • Masks are required to be worn indoors. Masks are also mandatory for all outdoor activities, including competitions, where six (6) feet of distance cannot be
  • Gathering limits are in effect for each K-12 school sporting event: a maximum of 100 people indoors and 250 people outdoors; or the number of people based on a determination of capacity, whichever is
  • Per the Governor’s guidance, OSAA sports defined as full-contact, minimal/medium-contact, or non-contact are:
-Full-contact: Football, Wrestling, Cheer, Basketball, Dance
-Minimal/Medium-Contact: Softball, Baseball, Soccer, Volleyball
-Non-Contact: Tennis, Swimming, Golf, Cross Country, Track & Field, sideline/no-contact Cheer/Dance.
  • Prior to assuming coaching duties beginning August 31, coaches must meet all OSAA certification
  • Prior to participating in practices, students must be “cleared” to participate (Pre-Participation Physical Exam completed and on file, residency/enrollment eligibility requirements met, ).
  • Prior to participation in competitions, students must be cleared to participate (Pre-Participation Physical Exam completed and one file, residency/enrollment eligibility requirements met, academically eligible, participated in at least nine (9) days of practice beginning August 31, ).
  • OSAA’s Practice Model policies are in effect, including a minimum of nine (9) days of practice prior to a contest with another school and a prohibition on multiple practice sessions per day for the 2020-21 school year. Students are limited to a maximum of three (3) hours of practice per day which may be split between different sports (i.e. 90 minutes softball, 90 minutes volleyball). Students are limited to a maximum of one hour of weight training either before or after practice but not both. A student may not practice or participate in a contest for more than six consecutive days without a rest day.
  • Guidance for OSAA-sanctioned activities not referenced by the Governor’s guidance can be found here:
  • In order to determine which activities are allowed per the Governor’s K-12 School Sports Guidance:
-Determine your school’s instructional method (on-site, hybrid, comprehensive distance learning).
-Identify whether the activity is taking place indoors or
-Participation will be at the discretion of the local school district in those activities allowed per directives. 




Full Participation Allowed


Training and Conditioning Only

Full Participation Allowed

Dance (Non-Contact)

Training and Conditioning Only

Full Participation Allowed

Cheer (Non-Contact)

Training and Conditioning Only

Training and Conditioning Only


Training and Conditioning Only

Training and Conditioning Only


Training and Conditioning Only

Full Participation Allowed


Training and Conditioning Only


(Training and Conditioning Only cannot include full contact of any kind.)




Full Participation Allowed


Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed


Full Participation Allowed

Training and Conditioning Only


Training and Conditioning Only

Full Participation Allowed

Dance (Non-Contact)

Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed

Cheer (Non-Contact)

Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed

Cross Country /

Track & Field

Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed


Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed


Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed


Full Participation Allowed

Full Participation Allowed


Full Participation Allowed


*For Phase 1 counties, school campus indoor and outdoor swimming pool facilities may only be used by school coaches, students and trainers. These facilities may not be open for use by the general public.

CDL Operational Blueprints

Comprehensive Distance Learning Operational Blueprints for Reentry
Blueprints have been submitted to the Oregon Department of Education

Keeping Students Safe at School

The priority of the Ontario School District has and always will be the health and safety of our students and staff. While we would like nothing more than to operate school as if everything were normal, we must continue our best practices to help in lowering the spread of COVID-19. We, as a district, are committed to practicing the guidelines put in place by Governor Kate Brown, the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Department of Education, and Malheur Country Health Department.
If, and when, we are able to bring students back to the classroom in any capacity, we want to assure you of the following safety precautions:
Inside the Classroom
  • Small class sizes to maintain physical distance with approximately 35 sq ft per student in the classroom
  • Staff and students frequently wash and/or sanitize hands
  • Staff and students will be required to wear face coverings while in our district buildings
  • Touch-points (light switches, doorknobs, railings, tops/sides of chairs and tables, etc.) will be cleaned and disinfected frequently throughout the day
  • Students will be taught safety procedures for maintaining good hygiene and for maneuvering around the school campuses 
  • Staff greeting students, watching for students that may be exhibiting signs of illness
Inside the School
  • Buildings will be cleaned prior to student entry (before and after each cohort)
  • Students assigned entrances by cohorts of groups smaller than 100 students who have commonalities within the school
  • Students and staff sanitize hands upon entry to the building
  • Students stay in cohorts throughout the day, and physical distance
  • Students may walk by other students, not in their cohort, but will not physically socialize or attend class with them while at school
  • Visitors will only be allowed into the school office, and masks are required in all building office spaces
  • Attendance and student/staff locations throughout the building will be tracked to help with contract tracing in the event of an outbreak (contact tracing logs will be shared with the LPHA)
Here's what to consider if your student will be riding the bus to school
  • Drivers and students will be required to wear face coverings when on the bus
  • There will be targeted cleaning for high-frequency touch points between each route
  • Students must physical distance unless sharing a seat with someone from the same household
  • Drivers will visually screen students while they are getting on the bus for indications that they are not feeling well
  • Students riding the bus will be in the same cohort (group) each day and will not be able to join more than one cohort throughout the day
  • Students will be limited to 10 per bus until restrictions can be lifted
Can my student attend school today?
COVID-19 Symptoms to call in an absence 
  • Cough
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • New loss of smell or taste
  • Pressure in chest
  • New confusion or inability to awaken
The Ontario School District will be following the Oregon Department of Education's "Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools" guidance. 

Keeping Staff Safe at Work

It is important that our staff are supported through reentry at any capacity back into our buildings. Teachers and other school and district staff are essential partners with vital expertise. The OSD is committed to providing ongoing professional development and communication, so staff have the most-up-to-date understanding of all ODE and OHA guidance. 
Supporting Staff in Schools & Building Safety
  • Developed protocols for communicating possible COVID-19 exposure to staff
  • Properly communicate leave notification requirements in federal and state laws to staff members (See below for more information)
  • Communicate a return-to-work protocol; develop a plan to protect the safety and well-being
  • of all staff, including physical distancing and isolation protocols
  • Staff are expected to follow building-specific safety procedures and rules (if you are unuse of your building's rules, please contact your building administrator)
  • Staff are expected to wear proper PPE for their position at all times while in the OSD facilities
  • Staff can remove PPE during meals or if they are properly isolated to their own confined classroom/workspace
Positive COVID Cases Scenario
Should an employee test positive for COVID or come in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID and is advised to quarantine, their individual workstation or classroom should be closed off (tape across door/workspace with the date of closure) for the first 72 hours upon receiving notice from the employee.
Custodians will come in after the 72 hours of the workstation/classroom being closed off to disinfect surfaces. This will help avoid others coming in contact with the individual's workstation by accident while helping keep custodians safe as well. 
Staff COVID Leave Information

How do I access my Student Portal and Google Account for online materials?

Portal Account-English

Portal Account-English

Google Account-English

Google Account-English

Question Mark Icon
Click the directory link HERE 
 Ask questions, get help, etc!
Portal Account-Spanish

Portal Account-Spanish

Google Account - Spanish

Google Account - Spanish

Building Contact Information:
Aiken Elementary:                          (541) 889 - 5584
Alameda Elementary:                     (541) 889 -5497
Cairo Elementary:                          (541) 889 - 5745
May Roberts Elementary:               (541) 889 -5379
Pioneer Elementary:                       (541) 262 - 3902
Ontario Middle School:                   (541) 889-5377
Ontario High School:                      (541) 889 -5309