Equity & Inclusion

The Ontario School District wants to reassure you that we do not provide student’s educational/personal information to any person or entity other than those who have a legitimate educational reason to request information.
According to state and federal laws, all students have the right to an education that is free of harassment and discrimination and cannot be denied access to education based on the child’s or family’s national origin or immigration status. Under Oregon’s sanctuary laws, public schools in the state of Oregon may not provide information or
assistance to immigration officials in the enforcement of federal civil immigration law.
The Ontario School District operates on a simple belief and commitment that everyone has the right to be safe, respected, and welcomed in our schools. We will continue to honor that commitment for our community.
Our counselors are always available if your student has questions or concerns.
OSD Commitment
As a reminder, the Ontario School District does not ask about or track student or family immigration status and does not require immigration or citizenship information of children or families to register students for school.
All students have the right to an education that is free of harassment and discrimination and cannot be denied access to education based on the child’s or family’s race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, immigration status, language, family economics, age, culture, geographic location, mobility, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or initial proficiencies.
OSD Board Policy
Staff and administrtors are to direct all immigration-related inquiries to the superintendent’s office.
State & Federal Laws
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records; and
Oregon law (ORS 181A.820) prohibits law enforcement agencies from using public resources for the purpose of detecting or apprehending persons whose only violation is being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws, subject to the exceptions of that law; and
Access to student records is restricted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Oregon's Student Information Protection Act (ORS 336.184); and
Oregon’s sanctuary laws are codified under ORS 180.805, 180.810, and 181A.820 to 181A.829. The laws are very specific and grant certain exceptions depending on the government agency involved and the exact situation of the targeted person.Under Oregon’s sanctuary laws, public schools in the state of Oregon may not provide information or assistance to immigration officials in the enforcement of federal civil immigration law, except:
1. As may be required by a judicial subpoena issued as part of a court proceeding; or
2. To the extent that the requested information is available to the general public.
2. To the extent that the requested information is available to the general public.
Family Preparedness Planning
School & Community Resources
School & Community Resources
OSD School Counselors: https://sites.google.com/osdk12.org/osdcounselorscorner/home
Community-Based Organizations that Support Immigrant & Refugee Families
Catholic Charities: Provides services for housing transition, financial wellness, immigration and legal services. Phone: 503-231-4327
Catholic Legal Immigration Network: Promotes the dignity and protects the rights of immigrants. Provides updated information about the U.S. immigration program. Phone: 301-565-4800
Latino Network: Provides community resources, including a referral list for immigration attorneys and the Protect Family/Proteja Su Familia guide. Phone:503-283-6881
Lutheran Community Services Northwest: This organization helps refugees and immigrants access resources and learn new skills to transition successfully to their communities. Phone: 503-924-2448
Immigrant The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) This organization is based in Portland and supports immigrants, refugees, and community members.
DHS Oregon Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement Oregon's Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement (OIRA) advocates for immigrant and refugee populations across the state. The Oregon Legislature established OIRA in 2021 through Senate Bill 778. OIRA was first located in the Governor’s Office and moved to the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) in 2022.
Pacific Refugee Support Group This group is focused on re-empowering refugees, asylum seekers, and newcomers to the community through a trauma-informed care, culturally responsive, and human-centered approach.