Migrant Education Program (MEP)
The general purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to ensure that migrant children fully benefit from the same free public education provided to other children. To achieve this purpose, the MEP helps State Educational Agencies and local operating agencies address the unique educational needs of migrant children to better enable migrant children to succeed academically.
As of December 2023, there are 1,060 students in the Migrant Education Program in Ontario School District - about one-third of our student population. To be eligible for the Migrant Program, a student must have moved within the past 36 months and from another district. The move had to have been made to find temporary or seasonal agricultural work.

6/22/20 Oregon Public Broadcasting Interview
6/22/20 Oregon Public Broadcasting Interview
Listen to "Summer Programs For Migrant Students Fall Victim To Coronavirus Pandemic" on Spreaker.For more information:
Para más informacìon:

Anabel Ortiz-Chavolla
Director of Federal Programs
(541) 889-5374
Cell: (541) 216-3237
Email: aortiz@ontario.k12.or.us

Precila Mosqueda-Fuentes
Migrant Graduation Specialist
(541) 889-5309
Email: pfuentes@ontario.k12.or.us
Paola De La Cruz
District Parent Involvement Coordinator
(541) 889-0040
Email: pdelacruz@ontario.k12.or.us

Jazmin Cisneros Hernandez
(541) 889-0040
Cell: (541) 235-4008
Email: jhernandez@ontario.k12.or.us

Denis Benitez Martinez
School Readiness Specialist
(541) 889-0040
Cell: (541) 709-6799
Email: dbenitez@ontario.k12.or.us

Erica Trinidad-Teran
Middle School Graduation Specialist
(541) 889-0040
Cell: (541) 709-6797
Email: eteran@ontario.k12.or.us

Anabel Ortiz-Chavolla
2019-2020 Director of the Year
Oregon Migrant Education Program
November 2019

Alejandra Arizmendi
2019-2020 Student of the Year Oregon Migrant Education Program November 2019

Carolina Gomez
2019-2020 Employee of the Year
Oregon Migrant Education Program
November 2019

Xochitl Fuhriman-Ebert
2019-2020 Advocate of the Year
Oregon Migrant Education Program
November 2019
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What is a PAC?
The Migrant Education Program has a Parent Advisory Council (PAC) that is made up of a group of parents who represent each school in our district. The PAC serves to provide feedback on school policies and procedures that our Migrant Education Program provides to their students. If you are interested in becoming a PAC member for the 2023 - 2024 school year, please call, Paola De La Cruz, at (541) 889-0040 for more information.
¿Qué es un PAC?
El Programa de Educación Migrante tiene un Consejo Asesor de Padres (PAC) que está compuesto por un grupo de padres que representan a cada escuela en nuestro distrito. El PAC sirve para proporcionar comentarios sobre las políticas y procedimientos escolares que nuestro Program proporciona a sus estudiantes. Si está interesado en ser un miembro de PAC para el año escolar de 2023 - 2024, llame a Paola De La Cruz al (541) 889-0040 para obtener más información.
March 2019- PAC Painting Activit
Victor Vasquez - Parent of the Year - May 2017 -
Award by NASDME National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education