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District Wide Broadcast Message

Ontario School District

Facility Reservation Info.

Submit completed applications to Shelly Tensen, Grounds & Maintenance Secretary,
At least two weeks' advance notice is required. 
You will not be approved without liability/insurance documentation. 
Your event is subject to change if an OSD event needs the facility/space.
OSD Facilities Use & Event Calendar

OSD Facilities Use & Event Calendar

  • OHS Athletic & Activities Department
  • OSD Facility Rental/Reservation
  • Aiken Calendar
  • Alameda Calendar
  • May Roberts Calendar
  • OHS Calendar
  • OMS Calendar
  • OSD Calendar
  • OMS Facilities Use
Some of the Ontario School District's facilities are available for reservation to groups.
For information, contact Shelly Tensen, Grounds & Maintenance Secretary, at 541-881-1274.
We do reserve the right to give preference to our community partners for the right to first use of facilities.

The Board encourages the use of district facilities by community or organizations or groups for education, recreation, social or civic purposes when such use
of facilities does not interfere with the regular school program.

The superintendent shall establish regulations, including fees if appropriate, for public use of district facilities. Such regulations shall be approved by the
Board and made available to the public at the district office and at the high school.

Board Regulations on the Use of District Facilities
1. District facilities will be made available to P.T.O. and similar school groups whose work is directly related to school activities without charge and at the
discretion of the building principal or the superintendent.
2. District buildings and/or grounds shall be made available for use by community groups when such use does not conflict or interfere with regular school
functions. The judgment of each building principal will be relied upon in determining such conflict.
3. Use of district facilities for other than school purposes shall be limited to religious, educational, cultural, recreational, and entertainment purposes.
4. When used by youth groups, such as Boy Scouts or similar organizations, the leader will be held responsible for the conduct of the group and the care of
school property or equipment. Destructive or improper conduct shall be grounds for revocation of a permit.

Responsibilities of Those Granted Facility Use Permits
1. The permit holder shall be of good repute and demonstrate responsibility. The permit holder and any representatives shall be held personally accountable
for fulfillment of the terms of the agreement including payment of fees and damages beyond ordinary depreciation of buildings or equipment.
2. The permit holder shall be responsible for the conduct and control of both patrons and participants and shall see that all state, city and district regulations
governing safety are followed.
3. Persons using district premises at any time or for any purpose shall not consume, sell, give or deliver any alcoholic beverages in district buildings or on
the grounds thereof. Violation of this section shall constitute grounds for the revocation of the existing permit and/or refusal of permission to use the building
at any future time.
4. All arrangements for use of district buildings shall be made in accordance with instructions issued from the office of the superintendent.
5. Each permit shall state the specific areas to be used (such as auditorium, multipurpose room and kitchen or classroom number). The users shall confine
their use of the building to the area or areas specified. Failure to comply with this regulation shall be grounds for revocation of the permit.
6. Applications for use of district buildings shall be made out on a form provided by the office of the superintendent. No application will be approved until
the building principal has indicated that the premises are available on the day requested.

Payment of Rental Charges
1. Rental fees and custodial fees are charged for the buildings themselves and do not include furniture, equipment or services not ordinarily a part of the
building or rooms involved. Use of any additional school furniture, equipment or services must be approved by the building principal.
2. Checks in payment of fees shall be made payable to School District 8C and sent to the district clerk of the School, Administration Office, 195 S.W. 3rd
Avenue, Ontario, Oregon.
3. The fees shall reflect direct costs such as custodial time and utilities.

Use of the facilities for private commercial purposes is discouraged. Should the superintendent or his/her designee deem that a particular commercial
purpose was acceptable, the fee is established at no less than 15% of the gross receipts derived from the event or activity.


Legal References: ORS 329.704 ORS 330.430 ORS 332.107 ORS 332.172
Cross Reference: Policy KGF/EDC - Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials